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Catalogue of Encouraged Industries for Foreign Investment (2022 Edition)

Data di rilascio: 2021-12-17     
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  • National Development and Reform Commission, People's Republic of China

    People's Republic of China Ministry of Commerce


    No. 52

    The Catalogue of Encouraged Industries for Foreign Investment (Edition 2022), adopted upon deliberation at the 22nd executive meeting of the National Development and Reform Commission on 29 July 2022 and ratified by the Ministry of Commerce, is hereby promulgated upon approval by the State Council, and shall be effective on 1 January 2023.

    Chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission: He Lifeng

    Minister of the Ministry of Commerce: Wang Wentao

    26 October 2022

    Allegato: Catalogue of Encouraged Industries for Foreign Investment (2022 Edition)

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