La Zona Industriale per Le Piccole
e Medie Imprese Italiane a Tianjin

Tianjin Italian SME Industrial Park

Current Position: Home>Investment Costs>HR Costs
  • Average Salary

    Based on government statistics from Tianjin, the average annual salary for employees in 2022 was 95,028 yuan, with an average monthly salary of 7,919 yuan.

    Minimum Wage

    From November 1, 2023, the minimum monthly wage rate is 2,320 yuan for full-time employment, and the minimum hourly wage rate is 24.4 yuan for part-time employment.

    Social Insurance Premiums

    Both employers and employees shall pay social insurance premiums in accordance with the law.

    § The payment base is the employee's own average monthly salary from the previous year. In 2023, the lower limit of the payment base is 4,751 yuan, while the upper limit is set at 23,757 yuan.

    § The payment rates are as follows:

    Insurance Type

    Payment Rate






    Work Injury




    * based on the employer's business scope and other circumstances to determine the industry risk categories and benchmark rates.

    § Monthly payment amount = Payment base × the sum of the payment rate for each insurance type of employer and employee

    Housing Fund

    The housing fund is a long-term housing reserve for individual employees, established through monthly contributions from both employees and employers. These contributions are made in a certain proportion to the employee's salary and provide a guarantee and mutual assistance for housing needs.

    § The payment base is determined based on either the employee's average monthly salary in the previous year or the second month's salary for first-time employees. As of 2023, the lower limit of the payment base is set at 2,180 yuan, while the upper limit stands at 26,451 yuan.

    § The employer payment rate, equivalent to the employee payment rate, is independently determined by the employer and can range from 5% to 12%.

    § Monthly payment amount = payment base × (employer payment rate + employee payment rate)


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