La Zona Industriale per Le Piccole
e Medie Imprese Italiane a Tianjin

Tianjin Italian SME Industrial Park

Current Position: Home>Investment Environment>TJFTZ Overview
  • Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone wasestablished in 1991, with a planning area of 223.2 square kilometers,consisting of three areas, namely air port, seaport and port area, with anactual management area of 173.2 square kilometers, of which 56 square kilometersare in the air port area, 111 square kilometers are in the port area and 6.2square kilometers are in the seaport area. It is responsible for the managementof 4 customs special supervisory zones, with a total area of 12.829 squarekilometers, including 4.37 square kilometers of the seaport area of TianjinPort Comprehensive Free Trade Zone, 1.3 square kilometers of the air port areaof Tianjin Port Comprehensive Free Trade Zone, 1.599 square kilometers of thecomprehensive free trade zone of Binhai New Area, and 5.56 square kilometers ofthe Tianjin Lingang Comprehensive Free Trade Zone. The planned port coastlineis 44.8 kilometers, which can realize the throughput capacity of 116 milliontons.

    The Zone aims to become a leading  demonstration area for port economy, an upgraded version of pilot free trade zone, and a modernized international aviation city. It has actively seized major development opportunities such as the Belt and Road Initiative, pilot free trade zones, the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, and the development and opening-up of the Tianjin Binhai New Area. The Zone has made efforts to attract high-level investment projects, promote industrial upgrading, optimize the industrial structure, enhance industrial clustering, and achieve high-quality development. As a result, it has evolved into a distinctive economic zone with comprehensive advantages, high openness, and remarkable vitality.

    The Zone offers a superior geographical location, developed infrastructure, a strong industrial foundation, abundant talent supply, excellent office conditions, comprehensive living facilities, a favorable atmosphere for innovation, and quality government services. With these advantages, the Tianjin Italian SME Industrial Park can fully meet the development needs of Italian SMEs.


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E-mail: tisip@adm.tjftz.gov.cn
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