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Xi Jinping and Mattarella Send Congratulatory Letters to the Opening Ceremony of Exhibition "Tota Italia. To the Origins of a Nation."

Release date: 2022-07-10      Source:italian.cri.cn
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  • On July 10, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Italian President Sergio Mattarella respectively sent congratulatory letters to the opening ceremony of the exhibition "Tota Italia. To the Origins of a Nation."

    Xi Jinping stressed that China and Italy are outstanding representatives of eastern and western civilizations. The exhibition "Tota Italia. To the Origins of a Nation" will showcase the rich cultural heritage of Italy with various valuable cultural relics. The Chinese President expressed his hope that the "China-Italy Year of Culture and Tourism" can seize this opportunity to promote exchanges and mutual learning between civilizations and bonding and understanding between peoples and give new vitality to the development of China-Italy relations.

    Xi Jinping stressed that China is willing to cooperate with the international community and adhere to the civilizational concept of equality, mutual learning, dialogue, and conclusion to promote the construction of a human community with a shared future.

    Mattarella said in his congratulatory letter that cultural cooperation is an important part of the Italy-China friendship. Against the backdrop of the Covid-19 outbreak, Italy opened in China the exhibition "Tota Italia. At the Origins of a Nation" and a series of activities of the Italy-China Year of Culture and Tourism, which demonstrated the deep root of the relationship between the two countries. The international community is currently facing many challenges, and only with solidarity and cooperation will it be able to find a fair and lasting solution. Mattarella also said he is convinced that Italy and China will continue to deepen bilateral relations to jointly maintain peace and stability in the world.

    On the same day, the exhibition "Tota Italia. At the Origins of a Nation."

    (This article is translated from Xi Jinping e Mattarella inviano lettere di congratulazioni alla cerimonia di apertura della mostra “Tota Italia. Alle origini di una nazione” - Italian (cri.cn))

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